Indian Head Massage


Indian head massage is an Ayurvedic holistic therapeutic practice practiced through centuries in India and has many known benefits to one’s physical and mental as well as emotional wellbeing. It focuses on massaging pressure points along the head neck and shoulders in order to relieve tension and increase blood flow to stimulate lymphatic drainage. Please ensure you have read and understood the before & aftercare  instructions before your appointment. This can be found at the bottom of this page or by clicking the button below this paragraph. This is very important in order to get the best possible results from the treatment, but more importantly to avoid any adverse effects from the treatment. 


  • HAIR OILING: The head massage starts off with the application of Medium to Hot Herbal oil, prepared for your specific scalp type and hair condition, to the middle of the head, where the crown Chakra is. The Hair is then sectioned & the remaining oil is applied to each section generously until the hair and scalp is fully covered in oil. 
  • HEAD MASSAGE: Whilst seated the scalp, neck, ears and shoulder is massaged using gentle yet firm movements, focusing on pressure points to relieve tension. This can address any minor Hair or Scalp concerns you may have such as hair loss, mild dandruff, hair growth and dry scalp.
  • LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE: During the second part of the Indian head Massage you will be asked to move to a treatment bed where you will be requested to lie head down. Further massage techniques will be used to drain the lymph nodes around the neck, shoulders and upper back area, in order to relieve further tension and stimulate lymphatic drainage.  
  • SCALP SCRUB: The oil will be left on for 5 mins then a Scalp Scrub will be applied to lift off any dead skin cells and dirt.


  • If you have brittle hair scalp scrub may not be applied during the Indian Head Massage
  • The herbal oil applied will be prepared to address your specific scalp and hair concerns, using the information you provide on the Questionnaire you complete prior to the appointment. It is therefore important that you ensure the information on the questionnaire is as accurate as possible in order to receive the best possible results. 


The Benefits of Indian Head Massage includes, but are not limited to the following:

  1. May Alleviate stress and tension. This is one of the primary benefits of Indian head massage.
  2.  Helps Relieve mild headaches and regular Indian Head Massages are also known to reduce migraines
  3.  Improves quality of sleep and makes falling asleep easier over time, if this is something that you have been recently struggling with. In some cases regular practice of Indian head massage before bed time has also known to cure mild insomnia. 
  4. Stimulates lymphatic drainage by increasing blood flow to the neck are
  5.  Improves scalp health and enhances hair growth
  6. On a spiritual level Indian head massage is known to energise and balance the top three chakras
  7. May relieve symptoms of anxiety or mild depression through relaxation
  8. Known to boost memory capabilities through quieting the mind
Indian Head Massage


When coming for a head massage, please ensure your hair is washed and clean maximum a day before your massage.  After the head massage and scalp scrub the oil needs to be left on your scalp for a minimum of 4 hours before washing your hair.  If your hair is greasy or unwashed / unclean you may not get the full benefit of this. Please ensure you read the general before and aftercare instructions above

Indian Head Massage Indian Head Massage Indian Head Massage